Material Characterization, Electromagnetics, Dielectric Permittivity, Magnetic Permeability, Radar Absorbing MaterialAbstract
In this study, measurement capabilities of the arch technique on electromagnetic material characterization are presented for 8-12 GHz frequency band. Measurements of reflection coefficient are achieved with respect to polarization and incidence angle of incoming electromagnetic wave by using arch measurement system, which is already installed at MİLTAL. Dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability of polyethylene are determined by using developed extraction algorithm with the aid of measured amplitude and phase of reflection coefficients. Obtained results will be compared to those obtained by using TRL method in waveguide measurement system. This study will also be a good example for measurement of reflection coefficient with respect to incidence angle. It has been stated that it is feasible to make electromagnetic material characterization measurements of radar absorbing material (RAM), which is used by naval platforms such as aircrafts, missiles, helicopters, etc. and also absorbs electromagnetic waves in a wide frequency band and incidence angle.
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