Small Satellite, Attitude Determination, Quaternion, Sun Sensor, MagnetometerAbstract
Scientific research about the methods of determining the orientation of the satellite are increasing with the developments in space technology combined with an increase in the use of small satellites in space missions. Either being cheap or small mass and size of the satellite is important to be tested all the sub-systems individually even with advancing technology, producing all subsystems more frequent use in a variety of space missions is a significant parameter.
In this study, different methods with using two vector algorithm to minimize the Wahba’s loss function have been compared. These two vectors, sun direction vector and magnetic field vector, is obtained by using sensor data and the developed models. Quaternions are used to produce solutions without the problem of singularity; as a result, the error calculations is aimed. The methods have been compared in terms of speed and accuracy, as well as instantaneous error analysis is also an important parameter in this study. Thus, the transition moments between the methods can even be identified. Although the development in computer technology leads a smaller difference between the methods processing, in space environment these little and instant changes will be required to be capable of detecting and control. Simulations clearly obtained the importance of the robustness and acceptable attitude estimation has been determined with that approach.
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