
  • Sefer Ataş
  • Osman Koç
  • Mehmet Emre Çiftçibaşı
  • Mustafa Kılınç
  • Deniz Altın
  • Başak Gonca Özdemir
  • Alper Yeşilyurt


Approach, Landing, Advanced, Technology, SBAS, GBAS


Technological achievement level of the world in 21st century, lead to a new era for approach and landing systems. Systems used for takeoff and landing of civilian and military aircrafts in the world, such as precision approach radar and instrument landing systems, will be modernized with new systems using satellite signals in mid and long term. Through the research of such new systems, new ground segment and aircraft avionics units and algorithms need to be developed for improving the signal quality under adverse meteorological conditions. In this new research topic for both Turkey and the whole world, interoperability with current and future satellite constellations is very important. In this study, a general view of satellite based approach and landing systems and technical requirements for these systems are given, typical applications of Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) and Ground Based Augmentation Systems (GBAS) among with military operational advantages are detailed, approach types for advanced technology systems are generalized, usage of SBAS/GBAS systems in UAVs and importance of automatic takeoff and landing systems, operational limits and interoperability of military and civilian systems is given and finalized with a short list of “To Do”s for Turkey on approach and landing systems and draft SBAS/GBAS roadmap.


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How to Cite

S. Ataş, “ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES IN APPROACH AND LANDING SYSTEMS”, JAST, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 15–26, Jul. 2014.


