The Examination of Factors Affecting Pilot Motivation with Structural Equation Modeling
Pilot Motivasyonuna Etki Eden Faktörlerin Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli ile İncelenmesi
Pilot Motivation, Structural Equational Modelling, SmartPLSAbstract
The primary responsibility of a pilot is to ensure aircraft control and security during the entire flight. Considering the vital nature of the job, pilots are expected to possess strong motivation, which is an important characteristic. Pilot motivation can be influenced by factors including concentration, lifestyle activities, communication, external triggers, stress, leadership, job satisfaction, and burnout. This study aims to examine the factors that influence pilot motivation. The study utilized structural equation modeling to analyze causal relationships within a theoretical framework and assess its statistical validity. In this context, submitted hypotheses explore the causal links influencing pilot motivation and the indicators that represent these characteristics. An online survey was done with a group of 256 civilian and military pilots. The survey findings were imported into SmartPLS software for analysis of the factors. The research results determined the most and least important factors causing the diversity in pilot motivation.
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