The History of Guided Bombs, Guidance Kits, Wing Kits, and Wing Deployment Mechanisms
Güdümlü Bombaların, Güdüm Kitlerinin, Kanat Kitlerinin ve Kanat Açma Mekanizmalarının Tarihçesi
General-purpose bomb, guided bomb, guidance kit, wing kit, deployment mechanismAbstract
The obligation of developed countries to achieve technological superiority for citizen security prompts significant defense budget allocations covering personnel, procurement, operations, maintenance, equipment, infrastructure, and research & development (R&D). Particularly, the R&D expenditures should not be considered a waste, since the money spent on R&D could return as battle superiority to alter the course of conflicts. Accordingly, the aim of this review paper is to provide knowledge on guided bombs, guidance kits, wing kits, and wing deployment mechanisms. The historical developments in the field were outlined, and the emergence of guided bombs and guidance kits were described chronologically with highlighting their strategic importance in previous conflicts. Also, a comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of different guidance kits was presented. Besides, custom-made wing kits and wing opening systems were shown with relevant patents. Moreover, the critical role of wing kits in future conflicts, and the importance of continued research in this direction was emphasized. Finally, the current situation in the field was described with on-going challenges and possible solution proposals with an intention of serving as a guide for future studies.
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