MAX Phase, Multilayered Nano Composite, Ti3SiC2, High Temperature PropertiesAbstract
MAX phases represent a gruop of alloys which is also defined as multilayered alloys because of their crystal shape specifictiy that started to be used in the late 1960's. MAX phase alloys are usually sorted like this. Mn+1AXn n:1,2,3; M: Transition metals (Like Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Mo, Ta ) : A: A group metals (Like Al, Si, In, Ge, Ga, Sn, Pb ) and X: C (carbide) and/ or N (nitride) . MAX phase alloy are stable at high temparature and they have transcendent thermo physical properties. They have high hardness and chemical resistance so they make them interesting in aviation, thermal energy component and cutting tools sectors. In the high temperature executions, they are prefered because they have high thermal shock resistance, high creep lifetime , high oxidation resistance and thermal fatigue endurance. Layered crystal shape put together both metallic and seramic characteristics. Chemical stoichiometry and crystal shape modify material properties.MAX phase alloys can buusedas bulk, powder and coating forms.MAX phase alloys are expensive due to their superior specificties in trading executions as a patented product. In this study we tried to introduce MAX phase multi layered alloys. Ti3SiC2 MAX phase alloy with reference to the MAX phase alloys as compared to other compositional structures, technological properties were examined and potential applications are discussed [1-11].
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