Ultra High Temperature Ceramics(UHTC), Tantalum Carbide, Thermo-Physical Properties, High Temperature Mechanical PropertiesAbstract
Ultra high temperature ceramics (UHTC) are advanced technologic materials class which are used in many application branches especially space and aviation due their specific characteristics such as high hardness, high thermal resistance and corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures. UHTC are generally compounded forms of 4th and 5th group metals with carbide, nitride, oxide and boride. Tantalum Carbide is the refractory ceramic material because of its both high temperature behavior and mechanic characteristics. In this review, researches are encountered in literature are discussed such as crystal structure, Ta/C phase diagram, Ta/C compound ratio based mechanic characteristics changes, electrical and thermal properties of Tantalum Carbide which is the new material of space technology which is being evaluated.
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