Thermal Structural Design Aspects of Military Aircraft



Airframe Construction, Fighter Aircraft Generations, Advanced Aircraft Materials, High Temperature Effects, Thermal Structural Tests


This study presents the thermal-structural design aspects of military aircraft, exploring key components such as the evolution of fighters, high-temperature effects, airframe construction, and the role of thermal structural tests. From the early days of flight to the present day, the pursuit of supersonic flight has reshaped aviation, defining new thresholds for speed, agility, and combat capability. As known, high-temperature effects in airframes have been a substantial focus, with researchers and engineers grappling with challenges such as material degradation and thermal fatigue cracks resulting from elevated temperatures. The study emphasizes the pivotal role of materials capable of withstanding demanding extreme thermal environments, essential for ensuring the structural integrity and functionality of advanced aerial vehicles. Airframe construction of aircraft stands at the intersection of combat demands and cutting-edge technology, requiring innovative design solutions to address thermal stresses arising from sudden temperature changes. Furthermore, the study highlights the significance of thermal structural tests in validating designs and ensuring the safety, reliability, and performance of aircraft. Through an exploration of these crucial aspects, the study contributes to the broader understanding of the complex interplay between design, materials, construction, and testing in the thermal-structural design of military aircraft.


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Author Biography

Mustafa Tolga Yavuz, Istanbul Technical University

Mustafa Tolga YAVUZ received his B.Sc. degree in Mathematical and  Mechanical Enginering, and Minor degree in Mechatronic Engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 2011. He received his M.Sc. degree in Mechatronics Engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 2014. Now, he continues his Ph.D. studies on Thermal Analysis of Aerospace Structures by Differential Quadrature Method in Aeronautical and Astronautics Engineering Faculty at Istanbul Technical University. He works over interdisciplinary problems related to missile and aerospace vehicle design. His research interests cover flight mechanics, nonlinear control techniques, numerical solution methods of PDE, multibody dynamics, robotic systems, aerodynamic heating, flow-induced vibration, composite structures, heat shields of aerospace vehicles, subproblemes of elasticity such as thermoelasticity, aeroservoelasticity.


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How to Cite

M. T. Yavuz and I. . Ozkol, “Thermal Structural Design Aspects of Military Aircraft”, JAST, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 124–158, Jan. 2024.


