Design and Performance Analysis of 2x2 and 3×3 Phased Array Patch Antennas in C Band
C Bandında 2x2 ve 3×3 Faz Dizili Yama Antenlerin Tasarım ve Performans Analizi
Antenna design, CST and phased array patch antennasAbstract
The design and analysis of 2x2 and 3x3 phased array patched antennas operating at C-band frequencies are presented in this work. The antenna array is made up of rows and columns of patch antenna elements connected together by a shared feed network. The goal is to develop a high-gain, low-side lobe level antenna system with beam steering capabilities. To allow beamforming, the antennas are constructed in 2x2 and 3x3 arrays. Rogers RT5880 is the substrate utilized, having a dielectric constant of 2.2 and a thickness of 1.6 mm. The performance of the antenna was evaluated using computer simulation technology (CST) microwave studio software. The results showed that the 2x2 arrangement had a directivity of 12.38 dBi while the 3x3 design had a directivity of 15.30 dBi. Other elements that benefited from the simulation results included the reflected coefficient, beam gain, voltage standing wave ratio, bandwidth, efficiency, E-field, and H-field.
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