Robust Flight Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: The Fusion of Full State Feedback and Extremum-Seeking Control


  • Haci Baran Istanbul Technical University
  • Ismail Bayezit
  • Ahmad Irham Jambak


Flight, FSF, LQG, ESC, K-control Gain, Disturbance, Fault-tolerant


The objective of this research is to develop an advanced flight controller that can effectively manage aircraft systems, maintain control, and effectively reject external disturbances and faults. To achieve this goal, the controller is designed using K-control gains in combination with the extremum-seeking control algorithm. The K-gains, crucial for ensuring stability and control of the fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle, are determined using the Full State Feedback (FSF) technique. However, FSF, does not have the capabilities to mitigate significant external threats. To mitigate these risks, the Extremum Seeking Control (ESC) method is incorporated into the controller. This adaptive approach enables the system to adapt and adjust parameters in the presence of unknown inputs, ensuring the system's response remains under control. In addition to the ESC-based controller, a Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) regulator is also designed, and our work is compared with it to show the superiority of the proposed method.


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How to Cite

H. Baran, I. Bayezit, and A. I. Jambak, “Robust Flight Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: The Fusion of Full State Feedback and Extremum-Seeking Control”, JAST, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 176–204, Jan. 2024.


