A Review on Post – Buckling Behaviors of Composites: Crippling Phenomenon
Post – buckling, crippling, composite, one – edge – free (OEF), no – edge – free (NEF)Abstract
Buckling phenomenon is a common failure mode for composite materials under the effect of compressive loading which is mainly investigated in two stages as pre – buckling and post – buckling. At the pre – buckling phase, the deformations take place temporarily in elastic range. However, load carrying capacity of a member can be increased by regarding the post – buckling process. Therefore, it is important to determine the final and maximum load carrying ability of the structure. Since, at the end of the post – buckling, the body cannot carry load and crippling failure takes place. In this review article, crippling behavior of the composite structures is investigated. After describing the crippling phenomenon, this study mainly investigates both experimental and theoretical points of views. In this scope, affecting parameters such as stacking sequence, geometrical properties and boundary conditions are determined. Then, the improved theoretical approaches are stated. The compatibilities of the test results are assessed with theoretical studies.
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