
  • Ercan Yıldız
  • Alim Rüstem Aslan


Space Solar Power Systems, Wireless Power Transmission, Space Transportation


In this study, to be able to establish commercially viable space-based solar energy systems in space, the state of the art and their future aspects are presented with regard to space law, economy and other need-to-improve aspects of related technology such as transportation from the Earth to orbit, generation of the energy and its wireless transmission.  Moreover, ideas and solutions how to develop a commercial value for the space-based solar energy systems are elaborated. Finally, considering the Turkey’s 2035 vision, a conceptual design of a GEO commercial space based solar power system, named as “Günebakan” that would generate 500 MW electricity, on earth is given.


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How to Cite

E. Yıldız and A. R. Aslan, “SPACE-BASED SOLAR POWER SYSTEMS”, JAST, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 27–38, Jan. 2015.


