
  • Özlem Şahin-Meriç


Metroplex Airport, Point Merge System, Serial Point Merge System, Paralell Point Merge System, Arrival Route


To meet the heavy traffic demand, two or more airports could be located closely. In this case, the air traffic operations of adjacent airports are interdependent. A group of two or more adjacent airports whose arrival and departure operations are interdependent is referred a metroplex. At the metroplex airports in order to give air traffic service for high traffic demand, the terminal airspace route structure which provides operative and efficient traffic flows should be required.

In this study, in order to ensure efficient traffic flow at metroplex airports, the arrival route proposal will be presented by using the serial and parallel combinations of Point Merge System.


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How to Cite

Özlem Şahin-Meriç, “THE PROPOSAL OF THE ARRIVAL ROUTE FOR THE METROPLEX AIRPORTS”, JAST, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 19–26, Jan. 2015.


