The Generalized Tensor Model for Numerical Investigation of Combustion and Flow Processes in Liquid Rocket Engine Chamber



Liquid Rocket Engine, Combustion and Flow Processes, Generalized Tensor Model


Combustion and flow thermogasdynamics is one of the most sophisticated computational stages in liquid rocket engine (LRE) design. A considerable amount of different methodologies used to conduct the thermogasdynamic analysis of the combustion and flow process and obtain the accurate estimates of the parameters of the LRE chamber is known, currently, in rocket and space sciences. However, the development of a generalized mathematical model that would have a capability of being applied for any unique combustion case by, hence, yielding reliable results and, nevertheless, be efficient in any application still remains to be an issue. The following paper considers the development of a generalized tensor model the application of which for any desired propellant configuration yields unique results. In addition considered the application of the mentioned model at significant nozzle sections. Moreover the current paper, also, considers an approach based on the specific area in order to compute the parameters at the nozzle throat. The uniqness of this approach is based on the fact, that the outcoming results appear to be more accurate than the ones obtained using convential approaches. The paper accurately summarizes the application of the generalized tensor model based on an example problem which involves the combustion of liquid methane with liquid oxygen.


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Author Biography

Parviz Shahmurad Abdullayev

Parviz Shahmurad Abdullayev (1967). In 1984 he entered to the Leningrad Mechanics Institute (Baltic State Technical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia) and in 1990 he completed the institute in Flight Vehicles Engines (Liquid Rocket Engines) field. In 2003, he was appointed as the Head of the Flight Vehicles and Aviation Engines Department of the National Aviation Academy and has been working at this job until now. He defended the Ph.D. thesis (2001) at the Saint Petersburg Civil Aviation Academy (Russia) and the D.Sc. thesis (2014) at the National Aviation Academy. Author of 94 scientific papers and theses, 3 patents and 5 books. His current research interest include mathematical modeling of aircraft and rocket engines (aviation gas turbine engines, liquid propellant rocket engines), thermo-gas-dynamics of jet engines, diagnostics with soft computing and machine learning


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How to Cite

N. Abdulla and P. S. Abdullayev, “The Generalized Tensor Model for Numerical Investigation of Combustion and Flow Processes in Liquid Rocket Engine Chamber”, JAST, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 15–40, Jan. 2023.


