Airport, Air Travel, Innovation, Mobile Application, Supply Chain, Value Chain AnalysisAbstract
There is a high growth in the air traffic supported by the global trade and tourism and due to airport congestion travelers are spending more time at airports, which are competing to attract airlines with lower aeronautical costs reducing their profitability. The growing transit time spent at airports together with the waiting time in front of check-in, passport, security control or baggage claim is an idle time of the air traveler, which is not generating any value. The perception of waiting is also mostly negative, that the associated airports are disliked, leading to loss of revenue in commercial offerings. Another problem is that due to the high variety in the customer profile, the shops at the airports need to carry a high inventory over a wide spectrum of items required, which is not creating any value as well. Thus in order to deliver a sustainable value chain at the airport, an innovative customer focused integrated approach is proposed herewith, based on a smart phone platform called Gate Ø, facilitating the idle times of the air traveler. This strategic approach is evaluated successfully within a value chain analysis showing up its potential across the value chain stakeholders.
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