Structural Behavior Examination of Frequently Used Solid Propellant Sections Under Centrifugal Loading Using Response Surface Method



Solid Rocket Motor, Centrifugal Loading, Finite Element Analysis, Viscoelasticity, Response Surface Method


This research aims to examine structural responses of frequently used solid propellant sections such as tubular, star, slotted, wagon wheel, and anchor subjected to centrifugal acceleration load. Viscoelastic finite element models of the grains having different dimensions are constructed and solved in Abaqus environment using in house parametric Python scripts prepared within the content of this work. Validation of the finite element models is accomplished comparing finite element results with an analytical equation found from literature. Finally, different response surfaces are constructed in Minitab environment to determine effect of grain cross-section parameters on von Mises stress level of the propellant. Thus, the most effective cross-section parameters on von Mises stress are determined for the examined grain shapes.


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Author Biographies

Ceyhun Tola, Aselsan Inc.

Ceyhun TOLA received his B.Sc. degrees in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Departments from Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Istanbul Technical University (ITU) under the double major program in 2010. He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from Institute of Science and Technology, ITU in 2012 and 2017 sequentially. During the M.Sc, he worked as graduate research assistant in ITU Trisonic Lab. During the Ph.D, he worked for Roketsan Missiles Inc., Vestel Defense Industry, and Sun Express Airlines as engineer in between 2011-2016. He worked as assistant professor at Astronautical Engineering Department of University of Turkish Aeronautical Association between 2018-2020. Currently, he has been working for Aselsan Inc. as senior expert engineer since August 2020. His research interests are solid rocket motor design, finite element method, response surface method, aeroelasticity, and design optimization.

Hatice Begüm Eylenoğlu, University of Turkish Aeronautical Association

Hatice Begüm EYLENOĞLU received her B.Sc. degree in Astronautical Engineering from Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Turkish Aeronautical Association, Turkey in 2020. Her research interests are finite element analysis, structural analysis of solid rocket motors, quadrotor design, and remote operating vehicle design.


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How to Cite

C. Tola and H. B. Eylenoğlu, “Structural Behavior Examination of Frequently Used Solid Propellant Sections Under Centrifugal Loading Using Response Surface Method”, JAST, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 231–242, Jul. 2021.


