Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Notched Samples Manufactured by Additive Manufacturing Method Under Different Impact Velocities



Additive manufacturing, Mechanical properties, Charpy impact test, Impact velocity


Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), which is one of the additive manufacturing methods, has recently found industrial usage areas and has become frequently used. Industries using this production method can be listed as: automotive, machine manufacturing, aerospace, etc. While heat and environmental resistance are important factors for parts such as fixtures and apparatus manufactured with this method, mechanical properties are often at forefront. In many studies, the properties of the materials used in FFF under static load have been investigated by tests such as tensile, compression and bending. However, studies on mechanical properties under impact loading remained at a relatively low level. It is clear that material behavior under impact loading is important, especially for polymer materials.

In this study, the impact resistance of notched Polylactic acid (PLA) samples produced by FFF method under different impact velocity was investigated. For this aim, a Charpy impact testing machine with low capacity (10J) was designed and manufactured, and the hammer was dropped from different heights and different velocity values were obtained. The instantaneous angle of the arm to which the hammer is attached was recorded by a gyro sensor and Arduino. Impact resistance values calculated depending on the impact speed were evaluated comparatively.


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How to Cite

M. Tutar, “Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Notched Samples Manufactured by Additive Manufacturing Method Under Different Impact Velocities”, JAST, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 127–131, Jul. 2021.


