Hybrid Rocket Engine, Rocket Propulsion, Gaseous Oxygen, PMMAAbstract
Hybrid rocket engines is relatively less researched subject of chemical rockets. Using fuel and oxidizer in different phases hybrids are safe and cheap. Yet, they are not generating enogh thrust to deliver heavy payloads to edge of space. Continuing researches on low regression rates, combustion instabilities and propellant diversity would carry this very subject to space.
In this essay, a lab-scale hybrid rocket engine is designed and performance calculations of this design is executed. As an interdisciplinary study, hybrid facility’s engine components are detail-designed, other components are explained as an input. PMMA and gaseous oxygen are chosen as fuel and oxidizer respectively due to their ease of availability and low-cost.
Hybrid engine components, main oxidizer system, ignition system and data acqusition system is studied in this thesis. Hybrid engine, shaped according to calculations, is modified to be compatible with off the shelf products for the ease of manifacture.Axial flow hybrid motor with a single injector is examined, including single port fuel grain. With the addition of DAQ sub-system, it would be available to record instant pressure and temperature values to study on. The main components of DAQ sub-system are included in related chapter.
Our country does nor accomodate any ready-to-use hybrid rocket test facility. With the finding of sufficient funds and appropriate schedule it’s not a matter of subject having the first facility in Turkish Air Force Academy.
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