The Analysis of Hot-Air Balloon Accidents by Human Factor Analysis and Classification System


  • Bilal Kılıç Ozyegin University


HFACS, Accident Investigation, General Aviation, Hot-air balloon accidents, Human factors


Although hot-air balloon accidents are infrequent with respect to the total number of flights, the rate of hot-air balloon accidents has shown a significant increase over the past two decades. The aim of this study is to classify previously identified causal factors of hot-air balloon accidents. 103 NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) accident reports were analyzed, and causal factors of hot-air balloon accidents were classified by using HFACS (Human Factors Analyzing and Classification System) as a framework. The relative importance of contributing factors to hot-air balloon accidents was established. We found that environmental factors were the most important contributing factors, following skill-based errors as the second-highest contributing factors. Our results will contribute to countermeasures to prevent future reoccurrences of the hot air balloon accidents and incidents and may provide an insight into high-risk factors which are associated with the severity of the balloon crashes.


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How to Cite

B. Kılıç, “The Analysis of Hot-Air Balloon Accidents by Human Factor Analysis and Classification System”, JAST, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 17–24, Jan. 2020.


