Exergy, Second Law Analysis, Exergy of Lift, EfficiencyAbstract
Nowadays with the increasing air traffic, exergy analysis is of great importance in studies aimed efficient use of energy and decreasing environmental impacts caused by aircrafts. In this study, tables for exergy of lift for a hypothetical aircraft have been created with five different engine types. Tables created are for cruise at 8,000ft (2,440m) and climbing at sea level. As a result of this study, it is seen that the engines with higher power and fuel mass flow rate have bigger exergy destruction rates within their components in the meaning of the exergy of lift. The exergy destructions have occurred most greatly at the engines both at the climbing and the cruise. Wing and propeller are the second and third components in this regard, respectively. It is seen that for the components of an aircraft which has a lower aspect ratio there is lesser need for the exergy of lift. During the cruise, the biggest exergy destruction rate in the engine component is occurred approximately as 32 kW at the engine which has the second highest power. As to climb, 473 kW exergy destruction rate which is the biggest value within all engines is occurred at the engine having the biggest power.
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