RASAT, Göktürk-2, Satellite Image Processing, Registration, Radiometric Calibration, GeoreferencingAbstract
We rely on Earth observation satellites to continuously observe the Earth. To be useful, raw images acquired by these satellites are processed in several levels. In this paper, automated satellite image processing operations for RASAT and Göktürk-2 images are described as a workflow. Automated satellite image processing operations include radiometric calibration, MTF sharpening, band registration, flare correction, georeferencing, orthorectification, pansharpening, colour enhancement and edge sharpening. Careful design and application of these steps are important to retain an acceptable level of radiometric and geometric accuracy as well as visual quality for use with various applications. Finally, we introduce our satellite image processing workflow with automated processing steps, so that human intervention will be minimum and there will be standard products free from human error.
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