Optimization of a Nano-Satellite Communication System Through a Software Defined Radio (SDR) Platform Implementation


  • Rafael Armando Rodriguez Leon Kyushu Institute of Technology
  • Kenichi Asami Kyushu Institute of Technology
  • Kei-Ichi Okuyama Kyushu Institute of Technology


In small satellite communications systems, Software Defined Radios (SDR) have been used for increase the system flexibilization both in the space segment and on the ground station implementations. In this paper, an SDR implementation for the space segment is proposed in order to optimize the communication system designed for the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) environment observation satellite (Ten-Koh). This optimization consists in the integration of a Raspberry PI module and a LimeSDR-mini RF module using embedded Linux, Python and GNU radio tools. The Ten-Koh mission, communication system architecture, on-orbit mission constraints and issues will be described in order to be compared with the proposed optimization to demonstrate the improvements in terms of performance, flexibility and developing time. The purpose is to demonstrate that the proposed system can be replaced safely in future satellite missions similar to Ten-Koh meeting the mission requirements.


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Author Biographies

Rafael Armando Rodriguez Leon, Kyushu Institute of Technology

He received B.E degree of Electronics Engineering of Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas (Bogotá, Colombia) and M.Sc. degree of Space Engineering from Department of Applied Science for Integrated System Engineering of Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kitakyushu, Japan). He is currently a PhD candidate in the same department at the same university. His research interest are embedded systems and communication systems for satellite applications.

Kenichi Asami, Kyushu Institute of Technology

He received B.E. and M.E. degrees of Information Engineering in 1992 and 1994 respectively, and Dr. Eng. of Information Science in 1997, all from Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kitakyushu, Japan). He is currently a professor at Faculty of Engineering at the Kyushu Institute of Technology. His current research interests include embedded systems, image processing, and intelligent systems applications.

Kei-Ichi Okuyama, Kyushu Institute of Technology

He received B.E degree of Aerospace Engineering from Tokai University (Kanagawa, Japan), M.E degree of Functional Materials Engineering from Muroran Institute of Technology (Hokkaido, Japan) and Dr. Eng degree of Structural Intelligence Engineering from Osaka University (Osaka, Japan). He is currently a professor at Faculty of Engineering at the Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kitakyushu, Japan). His researsh areas are Space engineering, Materials science, Strength of materials and Thermodynamics.




How to Cite

R. A. Rodriguez Leon, K. Asami, and K.-I. Okuyama, “Optimization of a Nano-Satellite Communication System Through a Software Defined Radio (SDR) Platform Implementation”, JAST, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1–16, Jan. 2020.


