Propeller Analysis Software, Lifting Line Theory, Aerodynamics DataAbstract
This document describes a propeller analysis software technical information and verification studies. The analysis software method is a lifting line method that uses 2D aerodynamic cross-sectional data. This method and its implementation in this software is described in detail in the publication. In validation studies, numerical stability, convergence and consistency of the method were investigated. Propeller with 2 experimental data was chosen as verification example. These two propellers; analysis software, experimental and computational fluid mechanics analysis results were compared. The analysis method gives good results in the accuracy of the 2D cross-section data. Although the 2-dimensional data in this study are not limited and detailed, the results are very good and the results are much better than the HAM analysis results. In this context, it is evaluated that this software which gives very fast and precise results will be very useful in its related field of activity.
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