
  • Bartosz Zygmunt Jurewicz Khalifa University
  • Kursat Kara


Active Flow Control, Coanda Surface, CFD, Sweeping Jet Actuator


A sweeping jet (SWJ) actuator emits a continuous but spatially oscillating jet when pressurized with a fluid. In this study, unsteady flow fields generated by a SWJ actuator are investigated using two-dimensional, unsteady, Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes (2D-URANS) simulations with Ansys v17 Fluent software over a nine different Coanda Surfaces. The effect of varying Coanda surface as well as mass flow rate on the jet velocity profile is presented. Additionally, the Static and Total Pressure are analyzed in order to determine the pressure drop of each Coanda Surface. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the jet is studied for the velocity magnitude in a characteristic point of the SWJ with different Coanda Surfaces.


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Author Biographies

Bartosz Zygmunt Jurewicz, Khalifa University

Mr. Bartosz Jurewicz Slupski is currently completing his PhD at the Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, UAE with the supervision of Dr. Kursat Kara. Mr. Bartosz graduated in BEng and MEng in Aeronautical Engineering from Technical University of Madrid (UPM). During his MEng he spent one year at Tongji University in Shanghai (China) like exchange student where he done his MEng Thesis : “The Landing Gear: Design, Features and Electric Green Taxiing System”  in collaboration and supervision of  Dr. Xu Zhenyu, associate professor of School of Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics (SAEAM) of this University. During his studies Mr. Bartosz worked in Repsol S.A Company like intern in the department of renewal energy and collaborate in the innovative blade less turbine project called ‘Vortex’ turbine. Also Mr. Bartosz spend summer internship in Manipal Institute of Technology in Manipal (India) like research assistant in the aerospace department.  The research interest of Mr. Bartosz are: applied aerodynamics, flow control, Computational Fluid Dynamics and aeronautical propulsion.

Kursat Kara

Kursat KARA is an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE. He received his BS and MS degrees from Istanbul Technical University and PhD degree from Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA in 2008. His doctoral dissertation was on hypersonic boundary layer receptivity to acoustic disturbances over cones. Following graduation he was a research engineer at New England Analytics LLC, Shelton, CT consulting company to Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. He then joined to the Aerospace Engineering Department at Penn State as a post-doctoral research associate and worked with Prof. Philip J. Morris. In 2010, he joined Khalifa University. Dr. Kara’s research interests include computational aerodynamics / fluid dynamics, hypersonic boundary-layer transition (DNS), supersonic hot jet simulations for aeroacoustics (DES), high order accurate schemes (WENO, DRP), active flow control wind turbine blades (with Dr. Sankar from Georgia Tech), wind energy and spray cooling of electronics. His research has been funded by the NASA Langley Research Center, the U.S. Navy Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) and Khalifa University. Dr. Kara is a Senior Member of AIAA, Member of AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Technical Committee, and the technical chair of 34th Applied Aerodynamics Conference (June 2016, Washington DC, USA).




How to Cite

B. Z. Jurewicz and K. Kara, “COANDA SURFACE EFFECT ON THE SWEEPING JET ACTUATOR”, JAST, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 29–43, Jan. 2018.


