Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Trust Management, Intrusion Detection SystemsAbstract
Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of nodes, which form an infastructureless topology. There is no central access point or centralized management. Intrusion detection in MANETs, however, is challenging for a number of reasons. This paper introduces intrusion detection architecture for MANETs, based on trust relationship and cooperation. In our proposed framework, intrusion detection system relies on local and global determination of attacks within network and intrusion detection is carried out in a distributed fashion. Reputation mechanism is used for trust assessment, which is obtained by watching the neighbor nodes behaviors. IDS alert messages are used to disseminate evidences of an intrusion attempt. A distributed IDS engine is the focal point of the architecture and we aim to utilize a cooperative trust based intrusion detection system to cope with the disadvantages drawn from mobility of nodes. In this paper, we present the feasibility of the proposed architecture by a detailed performance analyses according to the results obtained from simulations.
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