
  • Orhan Gözaydın
  • Tuncay Can


Earthquake Help Stations, P-Median Problem, Maximum Covering Location Problem, Facility Location Problem


Disasters are the events that seriously disturb the function of the society, causing deaths, environmental and economic loss and usually cannot be overcome by using local sources of the affected region. Earthquakes are responsible %70 percent of the total loss caused by disasters in Turkey. Preparation phase of disaster management covers the taking preventative measures towards an upcoming disaster and creating required systems. One of the activities during the preparation phase of the disaster management is supplying and storing required materials, tools, vehicles, work vehicles, machines etc. before the disaster for rescue, help and restoring activities during the disasters. In this article locating logistic center for earthquake help stations that can be established for earthquakes in Turkey is considered. The problem of selecting logistic center for earthquake help stations is modeled as P-Median and Maximum Covering Location Problem. The position of a city on the earthquake zone defines the frequency and the magnitude of the earthquakes faced by that city. The population of the city, the number of the buildings and the number of residences/houses define vulnerability and the size of possible losses during earthquakes and these numbers are accepted as leading factors. Therefore these factors are used as weights in our model. By solving the research problem according to different scenarios the geographic location for the logistics centers for earthquake help stations is determined.


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How to Cite

O. Gözaydın and T. Can, “SELECTING LOGISTIC CENTER FOR EARTHQUAKE HELP STATIONS: CASE OF TURKEY”, JAST, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 17–31, Jul. 2013.


