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Submission Preparation Checklist for Authors

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to authors.

The submission;
Has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
File format is MS Word (.doc/.docx).
Follow the IEEE referencing guidelines.
Written in accordance with the writing rules stated in the Template and website.

To download an article template, click here.

Writing Rules

JAST follows IEEE guidelines by default.

Articles should be written on an A-4 paper with single line spacing, and there should be 2,5 cm on the top edge of the paper, 3 cm on the bottom edge, 2.5 cm on the left edge, and 2.5 cm on the right edge.

Name of the article should be written in first letters in CAPITAL with 14 Font Cambria Math Bold. Turkish name of the article should be written in first letters in CAPITAL with 13,5 Font Cambria Math Bold. Author names should be written under the title of the article in 12 Font Cambria Math, with 6 spaces at the top and bottom. Affiliates and addresses should be written with 10 Font Cambria Math, with a space left under the names of the authors. In addition, the Author1 is accepted as “Corresponding Author”. Otherwise, please specify who Corresponding Author is.

Articles should be written in MS Word or OpenOffice with 12 Font Cambria Math. There shouldn’t be indent at the beginning of the paragraph.

By giving two line space after the heading, The Turkish and English abstracts should be written side by side in a column after the title, with a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 200 words. Abstract should be written in 10 Font Cambria Math. For foreigners, necessary support is provided by the Editorial Office in writing Turkish abstracts.

After each abstract, there should be at most six Keywords. Keywords should be written in 10 Font Cambria Math.

After the keywords, an introduction should be written in a single column containing the purpose of the study and the literature review related to the study.

After the introduction, materials and research method of the study should be expressed.

Conclusion of the study should be expressed in the “Conclusion” section.

Please refer to submission template for further details.